2025-2026 School Year Enrollment
Our Classes & Fees
🌟 Children stay in the same class all year!
Click on the age your child will be on August 31, 2025:

Toddler Class
Instructor: Teacher Jeannette
Child Age: 1 year old
(birthdate range: 9/1/23-8/31/2024)
Class Day: Tuesdays
Class Time: 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Parent Participation: Stay each class
Monthly Tuition: $70/Month
Registration Fee: $100 non-refundable
SCC Fee: $44 per quarter
Fundraising Requirement: $175
Explanation of Fees:
PreK $175 ◾ 3Day $160 ◾ 2Day $115 ◾ Toddler $70
First month's tuition is due at the time of enrollment.
Tuition is due no later than the 10th of the month.
September's tuition can be refunded if notice of withdrawal is before August 18th
Registration Fee:
$100 CSPS registration fee
$75 for each additional child
Due at time of enrollment
SCC Fee:
Shoreline Community College quarterly tuition is based on class enrolled
$44 = Toddler, 2Day | $66 = 3Day, PreK
SCC Fall Quarter Fee is due on May 2nd
More than one child enrolled in the same class? Pay the SCC fee only once
Enrolled in more than one class? Pay the SCC fee for each class you are enrolled in
Non-refundable (unless withdrawn before August 18th)
Fundraising Requirement:
$175 minimum is required to be fundraised by each CSPS family
$200 for families with more than one child in attendance
Families withdrawing are responsible for the following balance if fundraising efforts did not meet or exceed the following amounts (the second listed amount applies if withdrawing more than one child):
Fall Quarter (Sept-Nov): $58/$66
Winter Quarter (Dec-Feb): $116/$133
Spring Quarter (Mar-May): $175/$200

Required for Enrollment: Forms & More
Enroll for the 2025-26 School Year at Crystal Springs Co-op Preschool:
1️⃣ Submit the 2025-26 CSPS registration form to start your enrollment process (click link below).
Enrolling more than one child? Only one registration form per family - add each child and select the appropriate class based on age by August 31st.
If class is full, you will receive an email and placed on our waiting list.
Any form that is mentioned in the registration form will be accessible AFTER you have completed enrollment.
Complete steps 2 and 3 within seven (7) days of submitting the registration form:
(Note: steps 4, 5 and 6 have a later due date)
2️⃣ Email a pdf or jpg (pdf preferred) of your child's Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form to enrollment@crystalspringspreschool.org.
PLEASE be sure it is the required CIS form -- see below for further details.
3️⃣ Mail your enrollment check or money order.
Enrollment Fees:
Enrollment check amounts are based on class enrolling. If enrolling during the month, please email enrollment@crystalspringspreschool.org for a prorated amount.
Toddler = $214
2Day = $259
3Day = $326
PreK = $341
The above amounts include:
$100 non-refundable registration fee
+ SCC one-quarter tuition
+ First full month’s tuition (prorated amount depends on start date during the month)
Enrolling more than one child? Add $75 for each addition child plus SCC fee (if children are enrolling in the same class, only pay one SCC fee amount)
Please see explanation of fees above for clarification.
Need help figuring out the breakdown of fees due? enrollment@crystalspringspreschool.org
How to Pay:
Make check or money order out to Crystal Springs Co-op Preschool or CSPS.
You will be able to pay future fees online (for enrollment, check or money order is required)
Memo Line: child(ren)'s name & class(es) enrolling
PLEASE do not drop off your check
- You will need to schedule a time to drop it off.
There is no after hours drop box - DO NOT leave your check outside
Do not leave your check with anyone in the church/preschool
PLEASE mail your check or money order
Send to CSPS Enrollment: 20012 Filbert Drive, Bothell, WA 98012
PLEASE email enrollment@crystalspringspreschool.org to let us know it's in the mail.
4️⃣Medical Consent Form (available on Jovial after enrollment is complete)
5️⃣The Parent Education Application is required by Shoreline Community College and requires a Student ID (called ctcLink ID). You will be notified when the form is available for you to fill out. Please let us know if you already have a Shoreline ctcLink ID #.
Required Immunization Form (CIS) to Enroll
Washington State Department of Health requires all preschoolers to have proof of immunizations
Proof of Immunizations (CIS) is required for all children being enrolled - due at time of enrollment
Go to Wa.MyIR.net or MyIRmobile.com to access your child's immunization form:
First time using MyIR? Complete the registration process
Tip: Use the phone number the doctor's office has on file for your child and/or parent's info that the child's health insurance is under -
Click on child enrolling
Click Download Certificate of Immunizations (CIS) - long blue box button
A printout list from your child's online medical record does not meet the state requirement but may be included with the CIS.
If required immunizations are missing, please contact his/her provider's office to inquire.
Is your child is on a delayed schedule or is missing certain vaccines?
His/her medical provider must complete and sign a Certificate of Exemption
Two examples of what the form should look like:

WA State required vaccines:
👇 Keep reading for more information about CSPS 👇

Parent Involvement
Cooperative Preschool = Parent Involvement
Parents are involved at Crystal Springs Co-op Preschool in several ways.
Participating Parent
A parent (or other guardians such as a nanny, grandparent, or aunt) stays at the preschool on the same day each week to help with activities, engage with children, and set up/clean up. The individual classes will set forth the Participating Parent expectations based on the size, needs, and health restrictions. The rotating schedule will get worked out before school starts with the help of the Class Coordinator. If you enroll after the start of the school year, the coordinator will reach out to you to add you to the schedule after enrollment is complete.
If there is a day that you cannot stay (sick, work conflict, travel, etc.) it is your responsibility to find someone to attend in your place. This could be another class parent, your child's other parent, or a grandparent (if you are unavailable but your child can still attend the class). As per our handbook, if it is another class parent, then you must work out if you will pay them $20 or switch days.
Parent Education
The Participating Parent is required to participate in parent education discussion group every other week. Parent Ed is held every other week during class time.
Parent Seminars
These informative nights are typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 PM (exact date/time may vary). Most months, the Parent Seminars include a class meeting, a full school meeting, and a speaker discussing a topic that will help add another tool to your parenting toolbox. These Parent Seminars are required to attend (Toddler Class parents are only required to attend 3 of the months) with one unexcused absence. We are anticipating these meetings will be held over Zoom.
Preschool Committee (Job)
Each family is required to choose or be assigned to a Preschool Committee (job) or serve on the CSPS Board. You should expect to spend an average of four hours per month depending on the committee. Some committees require less time and others require more. We ask that if you find your committee assignment to no longer be a good match for you or your family, you speak up and ask for help or guidance.
Sign-ups for the 2025-2026 school year will be on May 31st. If you enroll after our sign-up event, the CSPS Vice Chair will contact you after enrollment is complete to find a Preschool Committee (job) that works for you.
View the Preschool Committees Jobs (Note: The health and safety of each participant in the cooperative preschool are of utmost importance. Thus committee job responsibilities are subject to change based on Shoreline Community College, CDC, or state safety guidelines.)
As an alternative to serving on a committee, you can opt-out for an annual fee of $500 (CSPS is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization). The availability of this option may vary by number of families enrolled in the program.

Connection to Shoreline Community College
CSPS has sister co-op preschools
When you enroll at CSPS you also enroll as a student at Shoreline Community College (SCC). We are under SCC's Parenting Education Program with our sister co-ops in the area. As a SCC student, you will earn college credit for each class quarter you attend CSPS (some people use them towards a degree or on their resume, others do nothing with the credits). You can also take advantage of student discounts and other perks!
At time of enrollment, along with your $100 registration fee, you will need to pay for. Fall Quarter SCC's tuition. SCC tuition amount is based on class enrolled: $44 = Toddler, 2Day | $66 = 3Day, PreK (Note: both the registration fee & SCC tuition are non-refundable).

Enrichment at CSPS
Making connections to our world outside
CSPS knows that learning about and being apart of a great community helps develop caring citizens.
Our classes have visited (and been visited) fantastic organizations in the area, such as:
Fire Department
NSD Bus Barn
Metro Bus
WA State Troopers
The Reptile Zoo
The Woodland Park Zoo
Pumpkin Patches/Farms
Town and Country and PCC Grocery Stores
We have Zoomed with excellent programs and have been able to "visit" places we never thought possible, such as:
The Seattle Opera
The Monterey Bay Aquarium
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
The Burke Museum
The Tooth Fairy Experience
Timucuan Ecological & Historic Preserve
Community Connections
CSPS families have always tried to give back to the community. Our Sunshine Committee works hard to find ways that our preschoolers can participate and learn how their small effort makes a big impact. Visit our Community Connections page for more details.

Questions about CSPS?
The best way submit enrollment questions is via email: enrollment@crystalspringspreschool.org
You might get your question(s) answered on our About Us page where you can access our handbook, list of current committees and photo gallery. If you have any further questions about enrollment or our preschool in general, please contact our Enrollment Coordinator.
Be sure to include the following in your email:
Your child(ren)'s birth date
Class(es) you are interested in enrolling
Most of our enrollment communication is done via email. We do also have a phone number to call or text (425) 331-9005. Our enrollment coordinator does not
have regular office hours, so if she is unavailable, please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as she can.